Syntax Highlightings
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Evaluation versions come with un-install feature, even though you won't need it.
v3.2 32-bit English edition (3322K) new
v3.2 32-bit German edition. Thanks to Ralf Lohmüller (3779K) new
v3.2 32-bit Spanish edition. Thanks to Héctor García J. (4001K) new
v2.5 16-bit edition (1108K)
v2.5 Windows NT 3.51 patch (440K)
Euphoria edition (2919K)
additional syntax highlighting files:
Syntax highlighting for 4GL (by Andrej Falout)
Syntax highlighting for 6502 assembler
Syntax highlighting for AML - Arc Macro Language (by Juan Tobar)
Syntax highlighting for COBOL
Syntax highlighting for cshell (by Holger Wohlgemuth)
Syntax highlighting for E-Mail messages
Syntax highlighting for Euphoria
Syntax highlighting for Informix PER (by Andrej Falout)
Syntax highlighting for Informix SQL (by Andrej Falout)
Syntax highlighting for InstallShield
Syntax highlighting for JavaScript
Syntax highlighting for Kixtart (by Dan Dickerson)
Syntax highlighting for Make
Syntax highlighting for Metadata (by Juan Tobar)
Syntax highlighting for ODL and IDL
Syntax highlighting for Perl (in standard distribution after v1.52)
Syntax highlighting for PHP (by Jeff Hoover) new
Syntax highlighting for Python
Syntax highlighting for Quantum (by Sven Burkhart)
Syntax highlighting for SQABasic (by Peter Mouton)
Syntax highlighting for SQL (by Holger Wohlgemuth)
Syntax highlighting for SQR (by David Lindsey)
Syntax highlighting for Tcl
Syntax highlighting for VBScript (by Bobby G. Vinyard)
Syntax highlighting for x86 assembler
Syntax highlighting for Z80 assembler
All above in the one zip file
AutoDuck - Uprgrade. Now creates javadoc compatible coments for Java files
BackTab - Auto unident backspace on tab stop
ChDir - Changes current GWD Text Editor directory
Close - Closes active document (for QEDIT keyboard emulation)
CloseOutputWindows - Closes compiler output windows
ClosNoSv - Closes active document without saving (for WordStar emulation)
DelLines - Deletes blank lines
FindLinks - Creates a new document of all links within an HTML file (by John Seitz)
InclOnce - Useful script for C/C++ programmers
JImport - Converts JDK class to a fully qualified class found in JDK 1.2 (by Bryan Boone)
Maximize - Maximizes MDI child windows on StartUp
_OpenFav - Opens all favorite files on StartUp
Restore - Restores MDI child windows on StartUp
SavClose - Save and close active document (for QEDIT keyboard emulation)
SkeletonCode - Provides the ability for a user to define "skeleton code" constructs (comes with a skeleton for Cobol) (by Tim Underwood)
SmartTab - Tabs to the first non-whitespace character in the preceding line
StartNew - Opens a new document, if no files are opened when program is started
SynHglKeywords - Useful for creating new syntax highlighting files
TabSize - Quick changes the tab size
THIS_FILE - Useful script for MFC programmers
WrapPara - Word wraps from cursor to end of paragraph (by Ricardo García)
All above scripts in the one zip file
To install a new plug-in, choose Add/Remove Plug-ins command from the GWD Text Editor Plug-ins menu.
IncFind - Incremental find (by VisBits)
Convert Spaces To Tabs - Compresses occurrences of multiple spaces to tabs just before saving document
Convert Tabs To Spaces - Expands tabs to appropriate number of spaces just before saving document
Customize Options Set - Adds some useful options (Open dialog starts in a directory of currently active document). By Sven Burkhart
DocListView - Adds document selector tab to the Workspace window (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
ExecFile 2.0 - Executes current file as FILENAME.XXX (by Greg Turgeon)
FTP Client - Gives you the ability to easily open and edit FTP files.
JavaInclude - Opens Java imported package files (replacement for GWD Text Editor 2.1 JavaImport.c script).
OpenedFiles - Avoids 20 opened files limit (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0.1). By Sasa Stanojevic new
OpenView - Adds OpenView tab to the Workspace window (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
Prev/Next Window Order - Changes the order of windows for PrevWindow and NextWindow commands (requires v3.0)
SaveAs Dlg - Adds default file extension if it is not specified in the Save As dialog box
ScriptEvent - Executes GWD C Scripts on editor events
Splash Screen - Displays splash screen during GWD Text Editor start up
Statistics - Analyzes your activity (see sceenshot)
WordWrap - Word wraps current paragraph (by Greg Turgeon)
This ZIP file contains system files which are necessary for some plug-ins to work correctly.
You should download this file only if a plug-in does not appear in the About Plug-ins dialog
box. Unzip this file into your Windows\System directory: sysfiles.zip
projects (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0):
To install a new project target, choose Add/Remove Targets command from the GWD Text Editor Projects menu.
Borland C++ (required GWD Text Editor 3.2) new
MS-DOS Batch
Text Files
This ZIP file contains system files which are necessary for some project targets to work correctly.
You should download this file only if a plug-in does not appear in the About Plug-ins dialog
box. Unzip this file into your Windows\System directory: sysfiles.zip
To install a language interface, unzip the file into the GWD Text Editor directory, restart the program and change the
language interface using the Language command from the Options menu.
German language interface for version 3.2 (by Ralf Lohmüller.) new
Spanish language interface for version 3.2 (by Héctor García J.) new
Spanish language interface for version 3.0 (by Héctor García J.)
additional spell checker dictionaries:
It is highly recomended that you download new dictionaries from the GWD Text Editor Spell Checker Options dialog box.
Afrikaans (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
English (British)
Norwegian (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
Polish (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
Portuguese (Brazil) (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
additional key mapping files:
WordStar.zip (by Michael Jennings)
upgrade for registered users:
Windows NT 3.51 users must also download Windows NT 3.51 patch.
v3.2 32-bit English edition (3322K) new
v3.2 32-bit German edition. Thanks to Ralf Lohmüller (3833K) new
v3.2 32-bit Spanish edition. Thanks to Héctor García J. (4055K) new
v2.5 16-bit edition (1108K)
v2.5 Windows NT 3.51 patch (440K)
Euphoria edition (2919K)
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