
Syntax Highlightings

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free evaluations:
* Evaluation versions come with un-install feature, even though you won't need it.

  • v3.2 32-bit English edition (3322K) new
  • v3.2 32-bit German edition. Thanks to Ralf Lohmüller (3779K) new
  • v3.2 32-bit Spanish edition. Thanks to Héctor García J. (4001K) new
  • v2.5 16-bit edition (1108K)
  • v2.5 Windows NT 3.51 patch (440K)
  • Euphoria edition (2919K)
  • additional syntax highlighting files:
    * Syntax highlighting for 4GL (by Andrej Falout)
    * Syntax highlighting for 6502 assembler
    * Syntax highlighting for AML - Arc Macro Language (by Juan Tobar)
    * Syntax highlighting for COBOL
    * Syntax highlighting for cshell (by Holger Wohlgemuth)
    * Syntax highlighting for E-Mail messages
    * Syntax highlighting for Euphoria
    * Syntax highlighting for Informix PER (by Andrej Falout)
    * Syntax highlighting for Informix SQL (by Andrej Falout)
    * Syntax highlighting for InstallShield
    * Syntax highlighting for JavaScript
    * Syntax highlighting for Kixtart (by Dan Dickerson)
    * Syntax highlighting for Make
    * Syntax highlighting for Metadata (by Juan Tobar)
    * Syntax highlighting for ODL and IDL
    * Syntax highlighting for Perl (in standard distribution after v1.52)
    * Syntax highlighting for PHP (by Jeff Hoover) new
    * Syntax highlighting for Python
    * Syntax highlighting for Quantum (by Sven Burkhart)
    * Syntax highlighting for SQABasic (by Peter Mouton)
    * Syntax highlighting for SQL (by Holger Wohlgemuth)
    * Syntax highlighting for SQR (by David Lindsey)
    * Syntax highlighting for Tcl
    * Syntax highlighting for VBScript (by Bobby G. Vinyard)
    * Syntax highlighting for x86 assembler
    * Syntax highlighting for Z80 assembler
    * All above in the one zip file

    macros and scripts:
    * AutoDuck - Uprgrade. Now creates javadoc compatible coments for Java files
    * BackTab - Auto unident backspace on tab stop
    * ChDir - Changes current GWD Text Editor directory
    * Close - Closes active document (for QEDIT keyboard emulation)
    * CloseOutputWindows - Closes compiler output windows
    * ClosNoSv - Closes active document without saving (for WordStar emulation)
    * DelLines - Deletes blank lines
    * FindLinks - Creates a new document of all links within an HTML file (by John Seitz)
    * InclOnce - Useful script for C/C++ programmers
    * JImport - Converts JDK class to a fully qualified class found in JDK 1.2 (by Bryan Boone)
    * Maximize - Maximizes MDI child windows on StartUp
    * _OpenFav - Opens all favorite files on StartUp
    * Restore - Restores MDI child windows on StartUp
    * SavClose - Save and close active document (for QEDIT keyboard emulation)
    * SkeletonCode - Provides the ability for a user to define "skeleton code" constructs (comes with a skeleton for Cobol) (by Tim Underwood)
    * SmartTab - Tabs to the first non-whitespace character in the preceding line
    * StartNew - Opens a new document, if no files are opened when program is started
    * SynHglKeywords - Useful for creating new syntax highlighting files
    * TabSize - Quick changes the tab size
    * THIS_FILE - Useful script for MFC programmers
    * WrapPara - Word wraps from cursor to end of paragraph (by Ricardo García)
    * All above scripts in the one zip file

    * To install a new plug-in, choose Add/Remove Plug-ins command from the GWD Text Editor Plug-ins menu.

  • IncFind - Incremental find (by VisBits)
  • Convert Spaces To Tabs - Compresses occurrences of multiple spaces to tabs just before saving document
  • Convert Tabs To Spaces - Expands tabs to appropriate number of spaces just before saving document
  • Customize Options Set - Adds some useful options (Open dialog starts in a directory of currently active document). By Sven Burkhart
  • DocListView - Adds document selector tab to the Workspace window (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
  • ExecFile 2.0 - Executes current file as FILENAME.XXX (by Greg Turgeon)
  • FTP Client - Gives you the ability to easily open and edit FTP files.
  • JavaInclude - Opens Java imported package files (replacement for GWD Text Editor 2.1 JavaImport.c script).
  • OpenedFiles - Avoids 20 opened files limit (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0.1). By Sasa Stanojevic new
  • OpenView - Adds OpenView tab to the Workspace window (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
  • Prev/Next Window Order - Changes the order of windows for PrevWindow and NextWindow commands (requires v3.0)
  • SaveAs Dlg - Adds default file extension if it is not specified in the Save As dialog box
  • ScriptEvent - Executes GWD C Scripts on editor events
  • Splash Screen - Displays splash screen during GWD Text Editor start up
  • Statistics - Analyzes your activity (see sceenshot)
  • WordWrap - Word wraps current paragraph (by Greg Turgeon)
  • This ZIP file contains system files which are necessary for some plug-ins to work correctly. You should download this file only if a plug-in does not appear in the About Plug-ins dialog box. Unzip this file into your Windows\System directory: sysfiles.zip

    projects (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0):
    * To install a new project target, choose Add/Remove Targets command from the GWD Text Editor Projects menu.

  • Borland C++ (required GWD Text Editor 3.2) new
  • Java
  • Euphoria
  • MS-DOS Batch
  • Text Files
  • This ZIP file contains system files which are necessary for some project targets to work correctly. You should download this file only if a plug-in does not appear in the About Plug-ins dialog box. Unzip this file into your Windows\System directory: sysfiles.zip

    * To install a language interface, unzip the file into the GWD Text Editor directory, restart the program and change the language interface using the Language command from the Options menu.

  • German language interface for version 3.2 (by Ralf Lohmüller.) new
  • Spanish language interface for version 3.2 (by Héctor García J.) new
  • Spanish language interface for version 3.0 (by Héctor García J.)
  • additional spell checker dictionaries:
    * It is highly recomended that you download new dictionaries from the GWD Text Editor Spell Checker Options dialog box.

  • Afrikaans (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English (British)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Norwegian (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
  • Polish (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
  • Portuguese (Brazil) (requires GWD Text Editor 3.0)
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • additional key mapping files:
    * WordStar.zip (by Michael Jennings)

    upgrade for registered users:
    * Windows NT 3.51 users must also download Windows NT 3.51 patch.

  • v3.2 32-bit English edition (3322K) new
  • v3.2 32-bit German edition. Thanks to Ralf Lohmüller (3833K) new
  • v3.2 32-bit Spanish edition. Thanks to Héctor García J. (4055K) new
  • v2.5 16-bit edition (1108K)
  • v2.5 Windows NT 3.51 patch (440K)
  • Euphoria edition (2919K)

  • - home - about - downloads - registration - forum - misc - © 1996-02 GWD Text Editor